Research Association for Contemporary Analysis, Remembrance Practices, and Counterstrategies for Right-Wing Extremism

The Bavarian Research Association for Contemporary Analysis, Remembrance Practices, and Counterstrategies for Right-Wing Extremism (ForGeRex) conducts interdisciplinary research into both the manifestations, ideologies, and strategies of far-right actors in Bavaria, as well as effective counterstrategies.

Researchers within the association collectively examine current configurations of and societal responses to right-wing extremism through the lens of their diverse disciplines. ForGeRex is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and will receive a total of €4.5 million over a four-year period (January 2024 to December 2027).

ForGeRex adopts a systematic interdisciplinary approach. A total of nine sub-projects at nine universities and two research institutions—spanning sociology, political science, communication science, social sciences, social work, media and technology philosophy, art education, historical studies, political data science, and law—address right-wing extremism as both a societal and scientific issue. Together, they aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of their research subject.

While the sub-projects tackle specific individual questions, interdisciplinary cooperation takes place primarily within three collaborative, association-wide topics.

1. The Far Right in Bavaria

The empirical data collected by the ForGeRex sub-projects will be synthesized into a phenomenology of right-wing and far-right activities in Bavaria, which can be carried on even after the end of the association’s funding period.

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2. Iconography and Narratives

Far-right discourses are constantly evolving, for example, through the integration of digital technologies. A systematic analysis of the political iconography of the far right is therefore a crucial component of the association’s collaborative research work.

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3. Research Ethics

The appropriate, respectful, and responsible treatment of everyone involved in the research process is central to questions of research ethics. Throughout its life cycle, ForGeRex will examine how such ethical standards can be ensured in its own work.

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