Association & Topics
Interdisciplinary Approach
“Interdisciplinary research is a mode of research in which an individual scientist or a team of scientists integrates information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specialized knowledge, with the objective to advance fundamental understanding or to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research practice.”
ForGeRex employs a systematic interdisciplinary approach. A total of nine sub-projects at nine universities and two research institutions—spanning sociology, political science, communication science, social sciences, social work, media and technology philosophy, art education, historical studies, political data science, and law—address right-wing extremism as both a societal and scientific issue. Together, they aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of their research subject. While the sub-projects tackle specific individual questions, interdisciplinary cooperation takes place primarily within three collaborative, association-wide topical groups. The association’s management office helps facilitate knowledge integration, as defined by the National Academy of Sciences, between the sub-projects and within the association-wide topics, while also supporting their collaboration.
Research Projects in ForGeRex
- 1: Right-wing extremist influences on social and equality work (RESAG)
- 2: “Reichsbürger” and “Selbstverwalter” – Contemporary historical perspectives
- 3a: (Un)doing memory and right-wing extremism in Bavaria
- 3b: Aesthetic interventions in a racist normality
- 4: Framing & policymaking on right-wing extremism and racism
- 5: 100 years of “resistance”
- 6a: Internet memes as a right-wing extremist communication strategy
- 6b: Bio-political reassessment of online right-wing extremism
- 7: The prosecution of far right violence in Bavaria – An empirical analysis
- 8: Transnational forms of right-wing extremism
- 9: Antisemitic conspiracy myths and crisis discourses in right-wing extremism
Structure of the Association
In addition to the work within the sub-projects and collaborative, interdisciplinary topics, each with their own coordinators, there are also overarching, association-wide positions.
The scientific spokespeople for the research association are Prof. Dr. phil., Dipl.-Soz.Päd (FH) Martina Ortner and Prof. Dr. habil. Clarissa Rudolph from the OTH Regensburg, who represent the members externally.
The management office serves as the central point of contact for members, external partners, and those interested in the association.
ForGeRex is one of several Bavarian research associations grouped under the umbrella of the Bavarian Research Alliance.
Area of Research
The Bavarian Research Association for Contemporary Analysis, Remembrance Practice, and Counterstrategies for Right-Wing Extremism (ForGeRex) conducts interdisciplinary research into both the manifestations, ideologies, and strategies of far-right actors in Bavaria, as well as effective counterstrategies.
Researchers within the association collectively examine current configurations of and societal responses to right-wing extremism through the lens of their diverse disciplines.
Societal Relevance
Far-right structures in Germany have been growing steadily for years. This trend and its consequences are also evident in Bavaria: individuals, civil society groups, and democratic institutions are subject to attacks by the far right; relevant networks are expanding, and far-right parties are gaining support. Comprehensive research into the actors and their strategies is essential to counter this development.
The research association conducts analyses, studies, and surveys on far-right actors and their activities in Bavaria. It strengthens research on right-wing extremism and fosters networking—both within Bavaria and beyond. The findings and insights from the association’s work will be made available to academia, civil society, politics, and authorities to help improve the response to the far right.